Friday, August 23, 2019

5 Things to Know When Writing Pharmacy Personal Statement

  Pretoria Today       Friday, August 23, 2019
5 Things to Know When Writing Pharmacy Personal Statement
1. The Admissions Committee devotes a few minutes to each personal statement
Just like any other medical field, pharmacy school is very competitive. That means you will be competing with many others for a limited number of open slots. To maneuver this, you have to strive to grab the attention of the reader in a few seconds.

Use an interesting introduction. The admissions committee isn’t only looking for candidates with high intellect. You need to demonstrate to them that you will be a valuable addition to the institution, too.

2. Start early to avoid last minute rush
Remember those days you pulled all-nighters for an exam, and still aced it? Well, this approach may not work when needing to create an attention-grabbing personal statement.
Identify a goal for writing the essay and fashion your words to address this.

Discover your inspiration to become a pharmacist. You can even go further and explain why you opt to be a pharmacist and not a medical doctor. Talk about the experiences that influenced you to pursue a career in pharmacy.

Build a compelling and watertight narrative.

3. Demonstrate your enthusiasm through research
Research helps you to demonstrate your suitability, even if it’s in a residency letter of intent. Gain insight into the profession through background reading or personal experience. Use this to convince the reader of your commitment to the field.

Reflect on your perception of the industry. Show evidence of the times you have demonstrated the qualities or skills required in the practice and study of pharmacy. It helps prove your case that you have a genuine interest in studying pharmacy.

4. Keep it Simple & Personal
A personal statement is like a monologue between you and the admission committee. Don’t forget that are many more coveting that spot. Therefore, every word, phrase, sentence, and paragraph should count.

Stick to the given length of personal statement. Essays that are precise, enthusiastic, and naturally written, are engaging. Show enthusiasm and don’t over complicate things.

Tell a story that’s meaningful to you. In your narration aim to help the admission officer to imagine and relive that moment. Include experiences that demonstrate your personality. It will do you much good, in creating an impressive first impression.

5. Avoidable errors cost you your dream
Once you have exhausted all the ideas you wanted to jot down, it’s time to step back and have a look at the written content. Remember, to pay attention to the structure as well, as the content itself. Ask someone else to proofread the essay for you, if you have to.

Thanks for reading 5 Things to Know When Writing Pharmacy Personal Statement

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