Saturday, September 7, 2019

4 Pictures of Kim Kholiwe in Pink that are simply amazing

  Pretoria Today       Saturday, September 7, 2019
4 photos of Kim Kholiwe in Pink that are just awesome and worth sharing. Keeping up with fashion trends can be tricky but it doesn't look like the typical socialist Kim Kholiwe. And she looks good looks easy and that leaves many of us envious.

It's like she looks amazing in everything she's wearing. Today we thought, why not look at the color favored by Kim Kholiwe. From her Instagram, we gathered that Kim loves pink and looks absolutely gorgeous in it. So here are 4 photos of Kim Kholiwe in pink as she sets some amazing fashion goals.


Thanks for reading 4 Pictures of Kim Kholiwe in Pink that are simply amazing

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