The festival’s social media account captioned the poster with the Wololo hitmaker’s image stamped with the word cancelled over it, explaining, “This serves to advise our valued stakeholders, sponsors and all those that had brought our early bird tickets that Babes Wodumo will no longer be performing at the second edition of Mapopoma Festival slated for Victoria Falls Club from 29-31 December 2019 in Vic Falls, Zimbabwe.”
Babes Wodumo’s over one million Twitter account followers took to the comments section to speculate why she was removed from the line-up. Many suggested that her allegedly hacked Twitter account that spewed hateful, xenophobic and violence-inciting tweets was the reason for her removal from the line-up.
A fan who believes that her account is still hacked, asked, “So you [are] really going to mess up the kid’s career like this and still be happy? Think of people who got employed by her, what are they going to eat? You bloody hackers!” Another fan who shared similar thoughts, wrote, “Guys, no! Can we please understand? [It was] not Babes who [was] tweeting, we have to be normal and realistic, we all noticed.”