Sunday, September 8, 2019

Here are the reasons why Men cheat

  Pretoria Today       Sunday, September 8, 2019
You might have heard the phrase “all men cheat.”

This is a term used by most women but is it entirely true?
We might not know the real answer however expects believe there is a reason to why men cheat. Whether we agree with them or not is a topic for another day.

It has been discovered that a lot of men seem to have a lot of excuses whenever they are confronted with their cheating but the million dollar question is why do men cheat?

Here are a few possible answers:

In some cases, some men think they are not handsome enough or they may feel they are too old therefore they need to seek validation from another woman besides their partner.
The relationship is not working for him:

He is no longer happy in the relationship and he wants to end things with his current partner but doesn’t want to do this without having another woman lined up.

He is just not ready to commit:

The guy was just having fun and was not looking for anything long term.

He is bored in the relationship
Some men confess to cheating because their current partner just doesn’t have that ‘fire’ anymore.
Men say their women tend to relax when they get comfortable in the relationship and no longer put any effort like they used to when the relationship was new. An example given was: “she no longer wore the sexy underwear she used to wear when we started dating. Another example given was “she was no longer sexually active as she was before.”

The guy is not thinking of anyone else besides himself. He is looking at satisfying himself and really not considering what this might do to his partner.

He gave into weakness
Yes, I know you might think this is impossible however it is true. Some women actually do throw themselves at men and unfortunately men just give in because of weakness.

Because he can.
Most men think that their partners are oblivious to the fact that they are cheating.
They think they can get away with it without being caught so they go for the opportunity.
Some men actually think if they are caught, their partner will forgive them so they think “we will cross the bridge when we get to it.”

Well, some men actually do not take being cheated on lightly.
If his partner has cheated on him or hurt him before he will do so just to get even.

These are just a few of the reasons however they do not justify cheating.
The partner who was cheated on may never be able to trust their partner again and may lead to the relationship ending.

Thanks for reading Here are the reasons why Men cheat

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