Wednesday, September 4, 2019

How to Attract a Girl Without Saying a Word

  Pretoria Today       Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Making her laugh
Every girl wants a boy who can make her laugh. And there is no better time to prove that you have that ability than at the beginning of a conversation. Make the girl smile earlier and it will help her relax and feel comfortable talking to you. Each time you arouse that interest and attraction.

One technique you can use to start a conversation and get a girl to laugh is to play laugh. This is very good because most guys are insecure about teasing a girl right away. By beginning your conversation in this way you are showing that you are not intimidated by attractive women. You can make him laugh and show great confidence at the same time.

Here are just two examples of how to start a conversation with a sense of humor: (1) "You know you would look good in a purple Mohawk" (2) "Excuse me, I'm trying to be someone's night out and you totally ruined it. You are so beautiful". Lines like this can start conversations about fun, solid play.

Make her win you over
Project confidence and making a girl laugh are common tips on how to impress any girl. But there is another tip that is equally important that doesn't get the discussion around. It's called qualification.

The review is all about making a woman prove that she is a beautiful, attractive girl. It shows you are a person with unimaginable standards and attention to just any attractive girl. When you fully filter women like this they see you as a person of high value. Then they will put more effort into keeping your passion and focus.

After working for a girl you can start qualifying by asking questions like "Why your business?" Or "What are the three things I wouldn't know about you by looking?" These questions are good because they have a clear end and allow the girl to share more information if she feels comfortable. It also gives you a great opportunity to get to know him. So you can tell if she is really a beautiful, adorable girl.

Create an emotional connection
To know how to attract any girl it is important to know how to connect with any girl. That is, how to build an emotional connection so she feels closer to you, and you feel closer to her.

One way to build an emotional relationship with a girl is to use the "I" attitude when talking. Express your thoughts, opinions - and most importantly your feelings - directly. For example, saying "I love Game of Thrones" gives her a glimpse into your emotional world. But if you said "Game of Thrones is a good show" then the emotional part is completely out of the picture. Talking about your personal experience, rather than the reality of reality, will increase her feelings more deeply with you.

Create sexual tension
No articles on how to attract any girl would be complete without a tip on how to create sexual tension. After all, this is what sets people out of the realm of friends.

One of the best ways to create sexual tension with women is through touch. Start touching the girl early in your conversation by tapping slightly on the back of your hand against her elbow. If he is the same as that address, you can continue to touch him for a longer time in the closest places (shoulder, back, thigh, face).

The key to knowing when you should touch more - or less - is to look for compliance. If he will allow you to touch him, or he begins to touch you in response, then you can take more action with your touch. If however, he shrinks or shifts when you touch him, then give them a chance. Build more comfort through banter and create an emotional connection. When she's all right, try to create that sexual tension again.

Thanks for reading How to Attract a Girl Without Saying a Word

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