Sunday, September 8, 2019

Woman pokes her brother to get RICH

  Pretoria Today       Sunday, September 8, 2019
Woman pokes her brother to get RICH. For just over 15 years she poked her brother because they believed it made them rich. This was after the siblings were given a get-rich plan by a sangoma.

But her brother is now dead and the sangoma is missing. The woman said she was 27 and her brother was 29 when they went to a sangoma for advice to make money. She said the sangoma gave them muthi that got them all hot and excited and instructed them to have s.e.x every week.

She said they were desperate and did what he said. But now the woman from Villa Lisa in Ekurhuleni is 42 and she is broke and sad.
She said she and her brother had lived reasonably well. They bought a house, got involved in some businesses and had cash.
But after her brother died in February 2018, she slowly started losing the wealth and is now left with only her house.

“What hurts me the most is that my brother died with our wealth. I wish we had a plan if something like that happened.”
She said the sangoma told them they must have sex at least once a week, but they enjoyed it and made it a daily event.

“I only had one boyfriend in my life, but when I started sleeping with my brother there was no reason for me to have a boyfriend. My brother provided with the best sex and wealth.
“I know it’s strange but our parents died when we were young so we had to look after each other.”
She said she tried suicide by overdosing on pills.

“I started hating myself and everyone around me. I hated them for saving me from my suicide, but at some point I had to stand tall and fix my life.”
She couldn’t get a job. She searched for the first sangoma but couldn’t find him so she asked another sangoma to help. But he couldn’t help her.
“I don’t want to die broke. I need help.”

Sangoma Joseph Dungamanzi told the People’s Paper he has never dealt with something like this and strongly condemns such practices.
“I’ve dealt with strange things in my life, but I’ve never heard of this. She can come and see me so we can see how she can get help,” said Joseph.

Source: Daily Sun

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