Friday, October 25, 2019

I’ve been having amazing s.è.x with my boss!

  Pretoria Today       Friday, October 25, 2019
DEAR DEIDRE: I HAVE been having the most amazing s.è.x with my boss for almost all of the six months I have been in my new job.
The problem is that it is all totally secret and it doesn’t look as though that will ever change.
I am a man of 26.
I have never worked for a woman before so when I landed my new job I was quite nervous about how it was going to work out.

It turns out I need not have worried. The head of the department was a charming, considerate woman who I now know is 44.
She could not have been more helpful or more encouraging, so I relaxed and thought everything was going to be fine.
One afternoon she called me into her office and said how pleased she was with my work so far.

She suggested we stay on after everyone had gone home to work on some new promotional ideas she had been thinking about.
I agreed, feeling quite pleased that I had been singled out. That evening we talked for half an hour or so but then she locked the door, came over to me and gave me a long, lingering kiss. I was gobsmacked.

I was even more taken aback when she started to unzip my trousers and feel around. I should not have responded but I did.
I’d recently split up with my girlfriend and was feeling very s.è.x-starved at the time, so the intimate physical contact felt wonderful. We had s.è.x — slow and satisfying, which is how she said she liked it.

She didn’t mention it in the office the next day but the following week, she asked if I was up for another of “our weekly sessions”, as she put it. And this is how it has continued.
She never wants to see me outside work but once every week I stay late in the office.
We make ourselves as comfortable as we can and she keeps a sleeping bag in the cupboard for us to lie on.

What I would like to know is where it is all leading but I don’t want to put my job at risk.

DEIDRE SAYS: She can’t sack you for asking where this is going, though there could well be a chilly atmosphere if you end it brutally.
If she never wants to see you outside of work, that suggests she already has a relationship and she’s basically using you. You welcomed the s.è.xual contact at first but if this goes on, it will get in the way of developing a loving relationship of your own.

Tell your boss it has been wonderful and that you value your job very much, but you realise you’re ready now for something more than just s.è.x.
Have activities planned outside work to keep you busy and make sure you leave the office promptly so you don’t hang around looking available.

Thanks for reading I’ve been having amazing s.è.x with my boss!

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