Monday, October 14, 2019

Mum slept with 18 different men in one night - and claims husband is ok with it

  Pretoria Today       Monday, October 14, 2019
After reaching her mid-30s, a happily married mum decided it was time to make a change and spice up her sex life.
However she wasn't planning to try new things with her husband, instead she wanted to discover what it would be like to sleep with other people.

And it turns out her partner was completely on board with this unconventional desire of hers.

So she went for it and now the woman from Western Sydney, known only as Louise, is opening up about her experiences with swinging and group sex - including one very racy night which saw her sleep with 18 different men.

The mum-of-two, who grew up in a strict religious family, revealed all her saucy bedroom antics in a podcast called the Sex Files.
She explained: "I grew up in a strict Catholic family where sex outside of marriage was not even considered, and even then, it was just to procreate.

"I did the right thing and my husband was the first person I had sex with, but that didn't mean I didn't have fantasies about sex with strangers.
"My local sex shop offered classes and one of those was about swinger's clubs. I messaged my husband that I was going and off I went."

Louise admitted that despite her husband's initial surprise, he was completely supportive of her wishes.
"He always felt like I had missed out, going straight from living at home to living with him and not playing the field," she said. "He was really supportive and loved that I was fulfilling a fantasy.

"I tell him about my adventures and he gets really turned on hearing what I've been up to. It always leads to amazing sex for the two of us."
But despite the open nature of their relationship, the pair do have two rules - Louise must always practice safe sex and they can't have any secrets between them, she has to tell him who she's been with.

As time passed, she became more and more adventurous and decided to try having sex with a number of men, one right after the other.
"The first time I did it, it was with 10 guys and it felt amazing. Yes, the sex was great but knowing that these guys are here for me and me alone is really empowering."

High off her experience, she soon wanted to try again, but this time she upped the numbers from 10 men to 18 - and her husband was there to watch the whole thing and even pass around some condoms.

She added: "My husband loves to watch my facial expressions, he is like a kid in the candy store! He jokes that he is happy to lend out his toys but only if they are returned in the same condition he lent them."
Towards the end of her interview with Sex Files, Louise proclaimed she doesn't have any regrets about the things she's done as "life is too short".

She also shared some advice for anyone who might want to give group sex a go.
"It's all in the planning, making sure you communicate clearly what is okay and what's not," she said. "When everyone is on the same page it works so much better."

Thanks for reading Mum slept with 18 different men in one night - and claims husband is ok with it