The 29-year-old from Khayelitsha, Mangaung, spent two weeks in hospital after a paraffin heater caught fire and the blaze spread to her thigh and legs.
She was discharged from hospital on Friday.
Mapaseka told Daily Sun the incident happened when she was trying to refill the heater.
“I hate that paraffin heater.
“It nearly destroyed my life. I was preparing food for my kids when I burnt,” she said.
“I was admitted to hospital for two weeks. I was in a lot of pain.
“I can’t walk because of my injuries.
“My husband and I are happy my punani wasn’t affected. How was I going to live with a burnt punani?
“Punani is very important for keeping my husband happy.”
Her husband, Pule Dlamini (35), said he was at work when he received a call that his wife was burnt.
“I’m happy my wife survived the fire. I threw the heater away because I’ve been warning her about it.”